You are the Universe, expressing itself as a human for a while

The Power of Now is a spiritual guide of the German- born Spiritual Teacher, Eckhart Tolle.  The book is highly recommended by  Oprah Winfrey and translated into more than 33 languages.This book illuminates the path of self enlightenment by leaving ego, false created self and analytical mind behind. It is easy to access Now because it is everywhere, around us, in the body and in the silence and these are the secrets to enter a state of inner peace. These keys bring you to a point where problems don't exist- the Now, the present moment. And the main root of all worries of people is associated with the emotional problems' identification with their minds. It is the Now where you can have access to your true self, find your happiness and discover that you are already perfect and complete.

Realize deeply that the present moment is all you ever have

Although the journey is not that simple, Eckhart Tolle provides a simple format to follow and the words themselves will guide you. New discoveries will also be made along the way: you can have your way out of psychological pain, you are not your mind, surrendering to Now give you power. The book uses the belief system of various traditions based on living in the present moment- Now.

 You can unlock the power of Now when you are fully present and accepting of what is true.

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