The Psychology of Money

"When most people say they want to be millionaire, what they might actually mean is ' I'd like to spend a million dollars.' And that is literally the opposite of being a millionaire." Morgan Housel

 If you are doing well with money that does not necessarily mean what you know about but it is all about how you behave. And it is really hard to teach behavior even to smarter people.

Investing of money, personal finance, and business decisions is taught based on mathematical calculation, where data and formulas find us what to do. But in reality people don't use spreadsheet for their financial decisions. They decide  them at the dinner or lunch table, or in an office, where personal history, distinct view of the world, ego, pride,and odd incentives are disorganize together.  

The award winning author, Morgan Housel shares 19 short stories in The Psychology of Money by exploring the peculiar ways people think about money. He teaches you through these short stories how to make better sense of one's life most precious topics.

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