You Are The PLACEBO: Making Your Mind Matter


Knowledge is power, but knowledge about yourself is self- empowerment

You Are The Placebo is one of the masterpieces of Dr. Joe Dispenza works in which he explains how you can heal yourself without the use of any external drugs or surgery. He presents many documented cases of those who revived from diseases like; crippling arthritis, tremor of Parkinson's disease, depression, heart disease and even cancer by believing in placebo.

Dr Joe Dispenza further explains how people who were victims of voodoo curse, got sick and even died after being misdiagnosed. Evaluating new drugs, pharmaceutical companies use triple blind randomized study to eliminate the influence of mind over the body, when belief is strong.

We perceive reality based on how our brain is wired

Dr Joe results are beyond the history and physiology of exploring placebo effects. He interrogates, " Does teaching of the placebo principles lead to the same effect in one's health and ultimately in life, without depending on any external substance?" Then he shares amazing evidence of healing from his workshop of color brain scans, in which people learn about personal transformation based on placebo effect.

You Are The Placebo encompasses the recent research in quantum physics, behavioral conditioning, hypnosis, psychology and biology to clarify the working, and make the impossible possible, of the placebo effect.

The book concludes with " how to" meditation for altering the perceptions and beliefs that recess us- the first step in healing.

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